Henderson’s Wharf Marina
1001 Fell Street
Baltimore, MD. 21231
[email protected]

Marina Office:  410-732-1049

Fax: 410-276-1075
Radio: VHF  CH 68/72

39*13’ 48” North          
76*35’ 18” West

Yes, we have one on-site.  In addition, we have two mobile services on-site:
Petersen Marine Service
Watershed Marine Services

Yes, We have over 20 slips that are dedicated to wide berth catamarans. We also cater to catamaran boating groups that can be docked together.

256 deep-water slips

From 15-85 feet.
Average depth 16-23 feet.

Over 50 bars and restaurants within 2 blocks of the marina.

Yes , We have two stations on-site.

Yes, we are the only marina in inner harbor that offers this package. Call for details